Saturday, May 11, 2013

Liebster Award ♡

Hello everybody, I'm back from my little hitaus because my cousin and Godfather is in town. I'm hardly on...:C

But anywho, I got an awesome message from one of lovely bloggers here. Jasmine nominated me for this award for bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Which I'm really grateful!

11 Random Facts About Me

1) I have a comic book from 1950s that my boyfriend gave me.
2)I have all the Walmart Advenger cups, cause I'm cool like that.
3) My favorite hookah favor is minty grape.
4)I'm 5'4" but I look like a Hobbit next to my boyfriend.
5) I have a huge crush on Billy Hader
6)My family talk like this----[X]
7)I love to work on tattoo designs, I love to doodle alot!

8)I cut my hair a couple times of year because I'm kinda like Ramona Flowers. xD

9)I love to read, I'm always reading off beat books and trading them.

10) I have a butt load of Mars Attacks trading cards, thanks to my friend Mandi's boss who work on the movie.

11)I'm planning on a couple of tattoos soon.
The rules of the Liebster Award---
 1. Each blogger should answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
2. Choose 11 new bloggers to pass the award onto and link them in your post.
3. Create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
6. No tag backs!

♥  What is your most favorite color and why?
A: My favorite color is green or mint green!
♥  If you could go one place in the world you have never been, where would it be and why?
A: Deep in my heart I would love to go to San Fran and just go shopping.
♥  What is one food you could never get tired of? 
A: I love a good pull pork sandwich
♥  What are you favorite online shops? (including makeup, fashion, etc.)
A: Besides the shop I make stuff for lol, anything that gets my eye or ebay...xD
♥  What was your most recent expensive item that you purchased?
A: I"m not really a shopper, but my work desk has to be the most expensive.
♥  What do you keep in your purse on a everyday basis? 
A: Oh geez...where do I start. xD
I have my kitty coin purse, Avengers lanyard with my ID, my Batman notebook, my wallet, some makeup, keys, and pen.

♥  What is your favorite video game/console?
A: My favorite video game is Soul Calibur 5 my character Fag Fairy is the best at kicking my bf's butt!

♥  Who do you admire the most and look up to?
A: It has to be my mom, she's a been through hell and back, and still can have a smile on her face.

♥  Would you rather spend $100 on makeup or on clothes?
A: Clothes, I love a good forever 21 trip. xD

♥  What is your favorite high end  makeup brand?
A: Naked! :3

♥  Do you collect anything, if so, what it is?
A: Oh man, I have a big collection of Haunted Mansion, Vinylmation, Pins, My Little Pony, and Comic books.

My Nominees :
(Well I don't really know 11 people lol, so the world is tagged!)

My Questions for all my Nominees

✧What is one of your favorite books?
✧Sneakers or flip-flops?
✧Favorite anime?
✧If you can move anywhere, where would it be and why?
✧What is your definition of being kawaii?
✧What is your favorite outfit?
✧What is one of your top favorite movies?
✧What is one thing you can't live without?
✧What do you do with your makeup?
✧What is your favorite style for 2013?
✧Where do you like to shop?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May the 4th be with you!

Okay, so yesterday I totally missed Free Comic Book Day. I know, it sucks but instead I went to Downtown Disney with my boyfriend Wes.

But it was a nice time, we got these awesome tasting sherbet. We needed it, cause it was hot as hell!

We shopped around and got really cute Ewok keychain.

He's totally soft and just adorable to look at. 

Also during to night we went to PoP gallery just to see what they added into the store. They were blasting the Cantina Band which really added into the Star Wars feel. During the night there was an artist there who was really fun to talk too. He does the art work for Terribly Odd. Guys, he was really nice and I'm planning to get his Haunted Mansion or Princess Bride painting. We had the best talk about Megacon, Regular Show, Iron Man, Kevin Smith, Star Wars, Haunted Mansion, and Cult films.


Well I hope everybody had an awesome 4th!

Friday, May 3, 2013


Okay everybody I got a small update for you guys, for the ones with Tumblr you can follow this blog there!
You can ask questions, advice, whatever you want.

Also I'll have polyvore designs there too. :3 

Here's the link: Mildprincess


Also this page will have another make over and even have a banner for it!